Let’s talk about Gary Bettman and his anti-gay “distraction”…a Blue-and-Gold horror show…empty chairs matter in The ROT…Trump, Kim and fairy tale golf…the Hockey Hall and the Mogilny Mystery…and other things on my mind…

I hope Gary Bettman doesn’t think he’s fooling anyone.

I mean, he’s a smart guy, probably too bright to believe he’s pulling the wool over our eyes with his ban on all specialty warmup jerseys for National Hockey League theme nights. But on the off-chance that he figures he’s bamboozled the rabble, I’d suggest that most of us in the LGBT(etc.) community know what’s really going on here.

It is an anti-gay gambit, an astonishing example of blatant bigotry.

It has nothing to do with the military. It has nothing to do with Blacks or Indigenous peoples. It has nothing to do with battling cancer. It has nothing to do with St. Paddy’s Day. It has nothing to do with any of the NHL’s other theme events.

It has everything to do with the Rainbow. Pride. The LGBT(etc.) community.

It has everything to do with kowtowing to a minority of seven, that being the number of front-line employees who, during the just-concluded NHL crusade, refused to support a marginalized collective under increasing and systemic attack. That’s seven out of 700-plus on-ice personnel.

A “distraction” is how NHL commissioner Bettman described the now-abolished practice of players wrapping themselves in one of the unique, also quite creative, theme-night uni tops.

Funny thing about that, though: None of it was a “distraction” until people noticed Ivan Provorov of the Philly Flyers hiding behind his Bible one night in January.

Rather than slip on a Pride jersey and join his playmates in pregame exercises, the Russian Orthodox rearguard remained in the changing room, no doubt biding time by thumbing through Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in search of confirmation that Jesus Christ really did feed 5,000 followers with five loaves of bread and two fish. (And, of course, they all washed it down with the water that he’d turned into wine.)

As it turned out, Provorov was playing Pied Piper to another six players, some of whom also leaned on scripture as a way out of participating in Pride Night. Others cited dire consequences, like a lifetime in the gulag for themselves and/or their families back home in Russia if war-mongering, anti-gay Czar Vlad Putin caught wind of them wearing anything resembling a rainbow.

But Commish Gary, acknowledging the Rainbow Resistance Movement, has now spared the anti-gay constituency any additional discomfort and exhaustive Bible thumping.

“I’ve suggested that it would be appropriate for clubs not to change their jerseys in warmups because it’s become a distraction and taking away from the fact that all of our clubs in some form or another host nights in honour of various groups or causes, and we’d rather them continue to get the appropriate attention that they deserve and not be a distraction,” Bettman said in a natter with Elliotte Friedman of Sportsnet.

“In the final analysis, all of the emphasis and efforts on the importance of these various causes have been undermined by the distraction of which teams, which players (chose not to wear the jerseys), this way we’re keeping the focus on the game and on these specialty nights we’re going to be focused on the cause.”

So to hell with them all. Everyone shall pay for the sins of the seven.

But remind me. Where have we heard that dirty word “distraction” before, as it relates to gays in major men’s sports?

Tony Dungy

Oh, I remember now. It was NBC squawk box and hall-of-fame coach Tony Dungy, known far and wide for his anti-gay rhetoric and campaigning to deny gays basic human rights. You know, like marriage. Dungy suggested that the very existence of an openly gay football player, Michael Sam, would become a “distraction” for the St. Louis Rams.

“I wouldn’t have (drafted Sam),” Dungy told The Tampa Tribune in 2014. “Not because I don’t believe Michael Sam should have a chance to play, but I wouldn’t want to deal with all of it. It’s not going to be totally smooth…things will happen.”

Ya, “things” like those pesky news snoops wanting to turn the National Football League’s first openly gay guy into a sideshow. They wanted to talk to him. To probe. At least one insisted on discussing shower arrangements in the Rams changing room. Hell, even Oprah wanted in on the act (not the showering but the sideshow).

Well, of course Sam was bound to be a “distraction.” And, what, Aaron Rodgers with his wackadoo notions about hallucinogenic drugs and spending a weekend in complete isolation and darkness isn’t? The New York Jets QB is a one-man three-ring circus. Let me know the next time Rodgers goes a week without doing something off-the-wall and I’ll alert the media. Film at 11.

Jackie Robinson

I can think of another athlete who was a “distraction.” That’s right. Jackie Robinson, a Black man in a purely white man’s world.

Jackie was such a “distraction” from 1947 to ’56 that the Brooklyn Dodgers only won the National League pennant six times and the World Series once. His six all-star selections and rookie-of-the-year/MVP awards were also quite a “distraction.” Hell, Robinson is still a “distraction.” Every player, coach and manager in Major League Baseball is required to wear his uniform No. 42 every April 15.

Black guys in baseball stopped being a “distraction” about the same time the Dodgers won the ’55 World Series, and gay guys on the gridiron stopped being a “distraction” the moment Carl Nassib proved he could strip sack a QB, just like the straight guys.

But I digress.

We were discussing Gary Bettman and his rainbow ban.

Commish Gary didn’t want Pride jerseys to be a “distraction,” so what does he do? He makes it a “distraction” by shutting down 700-plus players who want to support the LGBT(etc.) community. It’s an ass-backwards directive, also poorly timed given that this is Pride Month, and it totally debunks the NHL’s Trademark Big Lie of “Hockey is for Everyone.”

Commish Gary

For his next trick, Commish Gary will reinstate the disgraced Joel Quenneville and Stan Bowman, both of whom looked the other way when one of their players, Kyle Beach, was sexually assaulted by a Chicago Blackhawks male coach. He’ll explain the resurrection of their NHL careers in lawyer-speak, and he won’t even bother holding his nose to ward off the stench.

But that’s the NHL way: Out with the rainbow, in with the rot.

From the archives, March 19, 2023: “I think we all know where this thing is headed: Pride nights will remain on team calendars, but players no longer will be paraded in rainbow-themed warmup garb. Thus, anti-gay players on NHL rosters (I like to think they’re in the minority) won’t be required to hide behind the Bible anymore. They can keep their religion and anti-gay bias on the QT. Sigh.” And so it has come to pass.

Here’s a question worth a moment of ponder: Why is it that gays are a “distraction” in male sports, but not in the female portion of the playground? There’s yet to be an “out” player in the NHL—while active or after the cheering stopped—yet there is an abundance of gay players at the elite level of women’s hockey, many of them Olympic and world champions. In fact one of those lesbians, Caroline Ouellette, just the other day was named an inductee to the Hockey Hall of Fame, where she’ll join other gays Angela James, Jayna Hefford and Angela Ruggiero.

A guy named Max Park recently set a record for solving a Rubik’s Cube at an event in Long Beach, Calif. His time: 3.13 seconds. If you think that’s quick, wait till you see Chicago Blackhawks GM Kyle Davidson race to the podium to shout out Connor Bedard’s name at the NHL Entry Draft on Wednesday.

A Zach attack.

Yikes. I turned on the flatscreen to watch some Rouge Football the other night and a horror film broke out. I mean, B.C. Leos 30, Winnipeg Blue Bombers 6? That’s Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi and Vincent Price kind of scary, kids. Zach Collaros wasn’t a quarterback, he was a pinata. How bad was the Bombers O-line? Let’s just say the large lads won’t be getting a call from the U.S. Secret Service to work the presidential detail. Lincoln had better protection. Meantime, there was so much space between the Leos receivers and the guys in the Bombers D-backfield that I thought social distancing was back in vogue. And those penalties! We haven’t seen that many flags in Good O’ Hometown since the 1999 Pan-American Games. So whoever stole the real Bombers, please bring them back. No questions will be asked.

This from TSN’s Dave Naylor on Toronto Argos QB Chad Kelly: “Excuse the perspective from the Centre of the Universe. But no matter your vantage point, it should be clear that Toronto Argonauts quarterback Chad Kelly is the most important player in the Canadian Football League right now. Not the best, at least not yet. Just the most important. And it’s really not that close. As much as fans across Canada may not like it, Toronto matters. The prospect of having a lively and substantially full BMO Field nine times a season—whether that’s experienced in person or on television—versus scads of empty seats, matters.” The Argos mattered to just 15,967 people in the Republic of Tranna last weekend. I guess the 11,489 empty chairs didn’t think Chad Kelly was important enough to matter.

Bo Levi Mitchell

From the archives, Nov. 20, 2022: “So, the Hamilton Tabbies have surrendered two draft picks and future goodies for the privilege of pitching woo to Bo Levi Mitchell, the Calgary Stampeders defrocked QB. But wait. Bo says he’ll lend an ear to all other suitors before agreeing to pitch his tent in The Hammer. Fine. Wherever and whenever he lands, it’s a matter of Buyer Beware. This isn’t Cadillac Showroom Bo. It’s more like Used Car Lot Bo. Teams will have to be cautious when they kick the tires, because something might fall off.” And so it has come to pass. Two Ls and zero Ws into his life in black-and-gold, Bo landed in sick bay with an owie below the waist and was unavailable for his third start (also a loss), and I have to think the Tabbies might be wondering why they agreed to spend half a million bucks on a guy who’s become as brittle as a piece of burnt toast.

I’m sorry, but the new-look CFL stats pages are a complete gong show. Not to worry, though. Commish Randy Ambrosie assures us that software designers Larry, Curly and Moe will have it up and running long before the Tabbies actually win a game.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, New York is sinking. Geez, I didn’t think the Yankees were having that bad a season.

Things that make me go hmmm, Vol. 2,158: For those of you keeping score at home, former U.S. President Donald Trump claims he’s had seven holes-in-one in his life. “Legitimately,” he says. Hmmm. Maybe Trump is confusing his aces with his legitimate and illegitimate kids.

What’s the difference between a “legitimate” and an “illegitimate” hole-in-one? You use a golf club and Trump uses a pencil.

I’m not sure what it is with politicians and fairy tale golf. I mean, Trump says he’s had seven aces and former North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il is said to have scored five aces in the only round of golf he ever played, at age 52. As the fable goes, Kim didn’t card worse than a birdie on any hole on the 7,700-yard Pyongyang Golf Course, and no one was anxious to dispute his 38-under-par 34 score. He had 17 witnesses and they all had guns.

Anybody have a problem with the Hockey Hall of Fame Class of 2023? I imagine there’s a bit of quibble about one or two of the seven inductees—Henrik Lundstrom, Mike Vernon, Tom Barrasso, Pierre Turgeon, Caroline Ouellette, Ken Hitchcock and Pierre Lacroix—and it’s not wrong to wonder about the Mogilny Mystery. I mean, Alexander Mogilny’s bona fides are dazzling: World Junior, World, Olympic and Stanley Cup champion; a 76-goal season; better than a point-a-game guy in more than 990 NHL skirmishes. So where’s the beef? What is it about Mogilny that turns off the 18-person selection committee that has given him the cold shoulder since 2009? Certainly it can’t be because of his birth certificate. I mean, unless they’ve discovered that he’s been helping Vlad Putin lob bombs at Ukraine or sending gays to the gulag, being born in Russia can’t be an impediment. I’d suggest he peed on someone’s Corn Flakes, but since the methodology of the Hockey Hall’s Chosen 18 is less transparent than a jar of peanut butter, how could he possibly know whose Corn Flakes to pee on?

Assuming Mogilny cares about induction into the Hockey Hall, it must be extremely hurtful to be snubbed for so long, especially since he has no way of knowing why he’s still on the outside with his nose pressed against a window. If it isn’t his nationality, did he put other noses out of joint? Is that the determining factor? The right people simply don’t like him? Sorry, but that isn’t a good enough reason. Mogilny delivered the goods, and personal pettiness should have no bearing on the worthiness of a candidate for induction into a hall of fame. Seriously. You don’t like the way someone combs their hair or the color of their skin or their place of worship or their gender so you leave them standing in the cold? Rubbish.

On the subject of gender, the Chosen 18 are permitted to induct two (maximum) female players each year. Caroline Ouellette got the call last week, but you can’t convince me no one else is worthy. Like our own Jennifer Botterill, who collected gold medals the way kids used to collect bubble gum cards. Or Caroline’s wife, Julie Chu.

And, finally, thousands of people went to Stonehenge to watch the sun rise on June 21, the Summer Solstice. How poetic. I mean, those same people can make the short trip from Stonehenge to Wimbledon and watch the sun set on Venus Williams’ tennis career next month.


So, who gets the sports columnist gig at the Winnipeg Free Press?

I cannot survive in a 140-character world, so here are more tweets that grew up to be too big for Twitter…

Okay, who’s next at the Freep? Paul Wiecek? Ed Tait? Paul Friesen? Some new kid on the block? Some recycled old coot on the block?

If it were up to me, I’d anoint Wiecek to replace the departing Gary Lawless as sports columnist at the Winnipeg Free Press. He’s got the stones for the job. He’s cheeky, irreverent, a top-drawer scribe and not afraid to get in your face. Question is: Is he content where he is, covering curling, horse racing and the Winnipeg Blue Bombers?

Ed Tait
Ed Tait

The Freep wouldn’t go wrong with Tait. I’m a huge fan. Terrific reporter, solid writer. I’m not convinced he has the right temperment for that full-time gig, though. Eddie is such a nice guy. He’s Mike Riley and Brian Dobie nice. A columnist has to have a bit of bad-ass in him, and that ain’t my boy Eddie. But he’d still do a boffo job.

Poaching Paul Friesen from the Winnipeg Sun would be an interesting gambit. He’s got some bad-ass. Trouble is, given that the Freep is in bed with the Winnipeg Jets, it wouldn’t be a good fit. Paul is no True North toady.

Another option would be to bring in a fresh face. Seems to me the Freep—and the Sun, for that matter—could use some new blood. It’s been too much same old, same old for too long.

Whomever, I just hope the newbe spends more time writing than talking on TV/radio.

As much as I used him as a whipping boy, I hope the TSN gig works out for Gary Lawless. He joins a long list of newspaper jock sniffers—Dave Naylor, Stephen Brunt, Damien Cox, Jeff Blair, etc.—who’ve gone over the wall to the other side, and it brings to mind something that longtime jock columnist Tony Kornheiser once wrote about sports scribes appearing on TV: “There’s a reason print journalists work in print. It’s because they look like bridge trolls. They have bags under their eyes the size of hero sandwiches. They wear lounge-lizard suits and shiny ties spotted with marinara stains. They have $8 haircuts and foam flecks form at the corners of their mouths as they stare creepily into the camera. Their pallor suggests they’ve just climbed out of a sarcophagus. And these are the women! The men are unspeakable.”

That’s big of the Canadian Football League to admit one of its skunk shirts screwed up royally on Friday night, perhaps costing the Winnipeg Blue Bombers a victory over the Calgary Stampeders. In offering a mea culpa, the league assures us that the official in question will be “disciplined in accordance with the gravity of the situation.” Given that the guy’s basically a volunteer, that likely means he’ll be sent to his room without dinner.

Pete Rose
Pete Rose

I see where the disgraced Pete Rose got together with Major League Baseball commissioner Rob Manfred for a chin-wag last week. Rose, the all-time hits leader, met with the commish to plead his case for the lifting of his lifetime ban for gambling while skipper of the Cincinnati Reds. Apparently, Manfred will make a decision before the year’s out. Good grief, why does it take four months to say no?

I enjoy watching the Toronto Blue Jays. Exciting team. High likeability quotient. But if I don’t root, root, root for the home team once the Major League Baseball post-season commences, that doesn’t make me unCanadian. I’m a St. Louis Cardinals fan. If my Redbirds were to meet the Toronto Nine in the World Series, color me Cardinals red.

Anyone looking for proof that Michael Sam is all messed up between the ears? Give a listen to his recent gum-flap with host Dan Patrick on the aptly named Dan Patrick Show. Among other things, the first openly gay man to play professional football tells Patrick that he “never really wanted to go to the CFL” and that those inconsiderate Montreal Alouettes had the bad manners to employ a defensive system unlike anything he’d seen. The Als didn’t do it the St. Louis Rams way, don’t you know. Or the Dallas Cowboys way. Yo, Mikey! That might have something to do with the fact there are 12 men on the field, not 11. Whatever, rather than learn and adapt, Sam quit the Als. Not once, but twice. And now he’s delusional enough to believe an NFL outfit will make room for him on its roster next year. Ya, and I’ll be the Dallas Cowboys head cheerleader. Time to go, Mikey. Your 15 minutes have expired.

Michael Sam
Michael Sam

Actually, I’m not sure which is stronger evidence that Michael Sam is living in a fantasy world, the fact he’s convinced he can still play in the National Football League or his stated goal of getting into broadcasting. A times during his tete-a-tete with Dan Patrick, I wasn’t convinced that English is his first language.

Have they already presented the Calder Trophy to Connor McDavid, or will they actually make him play some games before handing him the silverware as top freshman in the National Hockey League? I can’t recall the hype being this frenzied for Sidney Crosby, perhaps because Sid the Kid went to Pittsburgh whereas McDavid is in hockey’s heartland, Canada.

I’m old enough to remember Yogi Berra, the Hall of Fame baseball player who died last week. Yogi, of course, is known as much, if not more, for what he said as for what he did on the ball field with the New York Yankees. Among the many classic Yogi quotes, my favorite is this gem: “Home openers are always exciting, whether they’re at home or on the road.”

rooftop riting biz card back sidePatti Dawn Swansson has been writing about Winnipeg sports for more than 40 years, longer than any living being. Do not, however, assume that to mean she harbors a wealth of sports knowledge or that she’s a jock journalist of award-winning loft. It simply means she is old and comfortable at a keyboard (although arthritic fingers sometimes make typing a bit of a chore) and she apparently doesn’t know when to quit. Or she can’t quit.
She is most proud of her Q Award, presented to her in 2012 for her scribblings about the LGBT community in Victoria, B.C., and her induction into the Manitoba Sportswriters & Sportscasters Association Media Roll of Honour.

Canadian Football League: It’s the Great Feast on the East

Neophyte starting quarterback Drew Willy aside, I mostly read and hear what’s wrong with the Bombers. The large lads on the O-line are the convenient targets. Why, they’re the most-maligned group of men this side of those pesky “drunken” skywalk panhandlers that Lorrie Steeves finds so cuddly.

Cheap Shots from the Cheap Seats, Vol. 1…As we head into Week 8 of a CFL season best described as the Great Feast on the East, power rankings are unchanged. The Laval Rouge et Or remain the top football team in Eastern Canada.

SEEING IS MISBELIEVING: It would seem that faith is fragile in some corners of Bombers Nation and there are those who believe our local football heroes to be a five dressed up as a one.

The fickle in fandom see the Winnipeg Blue Bombers’ 5-2 record and their perch atop the West Division tables as lipstick on a pig. An illusion, if you will. After all, this Canadian Football League season has been nothing if not an East Feast, and the Blue and Gold have done little more than bully a bunch of 98-pound weaklings who live on the wrong side of the tracks. Right?

I mean, they beat the Toronto Argonauts. They beat the Ottawa RedBlacks. They beat the Montreal Alouettes. They beat the Hamilton Tiger-Cats. Like, who doesn’t? Everybody steals their lunch money.

So some people remain unimpressed. And unconvinced. They refuse to give the Bombers their due. Neophyte starting quarterback Drew Willy aside, I mostly read and hear what’s wrong with the locals. The large lads on the O-line are the convenient targets. Why, they’re the most-maligned group of men this side of those pesky “drunken” skywalk panhandlers that Lorrie Steeves finds so cuddly.

Well, I’m sorry, but the Winnipegs’ record is not illegitimate or illusory. They need not make any apologies. Yes, they’ve been feeding off the bottom and they’ll be back at the East Feast buffet on Tuesday night in Toronto, so even a win over the Boatmen means they can’t win with the natterbugs of negativity.

Ask yourself this, though: If I had told you during training camp that the Bombers would be 5-2 seven skirmishes into the fray, would you have taken it? Absolutely.

GRABBIN’ GRASS ‘N’ GROWLIN’: What’s the over/under for the Bombers-Argos joust at Rogers Centre on Tuesday? 38,000? 39,000? I’m talking empty seats, not fans…Dave Randorf is gone, but the roles haven’t changed for the CFL on TSN panel. Matt (Git ‘er Done) Dunigan is still the country bumpkin, Chris Schultz is still the class clown and Milt Stegall is still angry. Paul LaPolice is getting more sit-down time with the boys, but I prefer Jock Climie…What’s the deal with that Trivago Guy who appears on camera more than anyone other than James Duthie? The guy needs a shave, he needs to drag a brush through his hair, and he needs a wardrobe consultant. Other than that, he’s ready for a GQ cover shoot…The CFL can change its in-house language all it likes, but to me a three-down football player is either a Canadian or an import, not a national or an international…If the St. Louis Rams cut Michael Sam and all other National Foootball League teams pass on the defensive lineman out of Missouri, will one of the nine CFL outfits make room for an openly gay player?…Those Wendy’s commercials on CFL telecasts are getting too dramatic and really, really stupid. Apparently, they haven’t learned that less is more.

rooftop riting biz card back sidePatti Dawn Swansson has been writing about Winnipeg sports for more than 40 years, longer than any living being. Do not, however, assume that to mean she harbors a wealth of sports knowledge or that she’s a jock journalist of award-winning loft. It simply means she is old, comfortable at a keyboard (although arthritic fingers sometimes make typing a bit of a chore) and she doesn’t know when to quit.
She is most proud of her Q Award, presented to her in 2012 for her scribblings about the LGBT community in Victoria, B.C.