Let’s talk about in-your-face female athletes…Kim blah-blah-blah Mulkey…the Cult of Dumb on Hockey Night in Canada…Jack and jackasses…and other things on my mind

Caitlin Clark

This just in: Female athletes cuss.

Who knew?

Moreover, female athletes also get royally PO’d and act out, waving their arms like those tall, inflatable thingies that you see on used car lots. The women holler at game officials, they screech at foes, fans and sometimes their own coaches/teammates, and some spit.

You know, just like the guys do.

Yet many among the rabble were shocked—shocked, I say!—when Iowa hoops star Caitlin Clark was observed on ESPN cameras telling unknown somebodies to either “Shut the f–k up!” or “Get the f–k up!” during a rather tense tussle with West Virginia in the madness that is NCAA March basketball stateside.

Either way, it was an F-bomb and, no surprise, social media was abuzz with chatter about improper, boorish behavior, even though it wasn’t anything we hadn’t seen or heard before.

Just last summer, for example, there was a nasty collision during a Canada-Australia women’s World Cup footy skirmish, whereby Allysha Chapman and Hayley Raso made like bumper cars while challenging for a free ball. Raso took the worst of it, prompting Matildas’ coach Tony Gustavsson to chirp Chapman from his perch on the sideline.

Sensitive off-pitch microphones failed to pick up Gustavsson’s trash talk, but there was no mistaking Chapman’s verbal volley.

“She f–king jumped into me, you tw-t!” the Canadian defender snapped back at him.

The decorous sport of curling offered another e.g. during the recent Scotties Tournament of Hearts, whereby a mic’d-up Val Sweeting of Team Einarson was overhead dropping back-to-back F-bombs about how she was having so much “f–king fun.”

So here’s what I find myself wondering: Are female athletes still held to a different standard than their male counterparts when it comes to bedside manner? Are they still expected to be prissy missies, like so many June Cleavers in sneakers or skates? Has Caitlin Clark been battered fore and aft in large part because she’s a she?

I’d like to think not, but I suspect otherwise.

As much as female sports is experiencing a considerable, long-awaited growth spurt (see: Professional Women’s Hockey League, international futbol, women’s college hoops), it comes with greater scrutiny and I’m not convinced everyone is peering into the same lens. That is, when we see Caitlin Clark acting out, do we see an athlete whining to a referee and flailing with her arms, or do we see a female athlete whining to a ref and flailing with her arms?

There should be no such distinction.

Females athletes at the elite level have the same yearnings as men. They want to win. Did anyone want to succeed more than Hayley Wickenheiser or Christine Sinclair?

Call it passion.

Watch the upcoming women’s world hockey tournament and you’ll see passion on public display, most notably when Canada and the Yankee Doodle Damsels are on the same frozen pond. No male hockey player is more “into it” than Marie-Philip Poulin or Hilary Knight.

And because female athletes are as passionate about their work as men, they’re prone to emotional outbursts. That can mean a moment of madness, or a potty mouth.

And, by god, female athletes need not make apologies for any of it.

This is their time and they’ve earned it. They’re confident, they’re proud, they’re loud (hello, Megan Rapinoe), they’re ruthless, they’ve got attitude, some of them are angry, they’re in your face, and they aren’t interested in being ladylike once inside the lines just to satisfy a dog-eared stereotype.

And, hey, keep this in mind: Between the National Hockey League and the PWHL, only one of the two has the word “Lady” in the name of an individual award, and it isn’t the women’s league.

Having said all that, few people in sports get up my nose quite like Kim Mulkey, head coach with the LSU women’s hoops team. I swear, she’s up both my nostrils. She’s a first-class boor who seems to hold to the misguided notion that it’s her world and the rest of us are allowed to participate in life only at her beckoning. She’s Bobby Knight in pumps and a clown suit. Her threat to sue Washington Post award-winning reporter Kent Babb last weekend (for a so-called “hit piece” that turned out to be a Nothing Burger) is a case in point: “Not many people are in a position to hold these kind of journalists accountable, but I am, and I’ll do it,” she said. Well, la-di-da, your Royal Haughtiness. Let us all bow and grovel.

Mulkey was at it again on Saturday, delivering another sermon and claiming that the “hall-of-famers, legendary coaches” who taught her “probably couldn’t coach in this generation.” Right. She’s better. Other talking points were sexism, requiring her players to pray on Sundays, and a Los Angeles Times article that she decided was “awful.” It was all spoken in a pontifical tone, with Mulkey trying to look and talk as tough and menacing as a school-teacher nun with a wooden ruler in her hand, but it was a pathetic piece of theatre.

Happy Easter to all. My favorite Easter-themed athlete names:
Bunny Shaw
Rabbit Maranville
Bugsy Watson
Hopalong Cassady
Bunny Larocque

True confession time: Way back when, I figured there would be palm trees, coconuts and a nightly luau at Portage and Main before Connor Hellebuyck became a top-drawer NHL goaltender. D’oh! The guy just played his 500th game for the Winnipeg Jets, and there hasn’t been a whole lot of clunkers in the bunch. A tip of the bonnet.

Ted Wyman is miffed that Rink Rat Scheifele was excused from the Jets skirmish Thursday night, a 4-1 loss to the Vegas Golden Knights. “The penalty to Scheifele was excessive,” Wyman wrote in the Winnipeg Sun. “They could have simply called him for roughing instead of giving him an instigator penalty and fighting major. His actions didn’t warrant being banished for 17 minutes, which would have kept him out through overtime had the game gone on that long.” Well, let’s see. The Rink Rat started a fight with Nicolas Hague. That’s two minutes. He fought Hague. That’s another five minutes. And instigating fisticuffs calls for 10 more minutes in stir. Seems to me the gendarmes got it right.

The Scheifele-Hague punch-up is part of NHL rot. One guy, Hague of the Golden Knights, flattened a foe, Vlad Namestnikov, and a third party, the Rink Rat, was so mortified at the sight of his comrade laid out on the freeze that he bared his knuckles and sought retribution. To fight for no reason is, of course, the NHL “code,” except the NHL “code” is a con job that players like Scheifele swallow whole, even if it means taking dumb penalties when a game hangs in the balance. Really, about the only thing dumber than the “code” are NHL players dumb enough to believe that a bodycheck is a command to open a can of whoop ass on an opponent. So when Kevin Bieksa and Kelly Hrudey go on Hockey Night in Canada to inform us that Scheifele’s brain fart was “admirable” and “honorable,” they’re merely reminding us that they’re also card-carrying members of the Cult of Dumb.

Saw this thread on X the other day:
“I don’t expect xG and G to track as closely at 5v4 as at 5v5.”
“NST showed a modest xGF/60 bump during the hot streak—but their GF/60 went bananas.”
“Depends on the xG model. Some are trained with state taken into account, some are not.”
That’s what passes for hockey talk with the kids these days. Bless ’em.

Dumb headline on the Sportsnet website last week: “Darryl Watts and PWHL Ottawa are heating up at the right time.” Say again? The “right time?” I must have missed a memo, because I thought Ponytail Puck had shut down for three weeks and Ottawa won’t crank it up again until April 20.

Just wondering: Am I supposed to care that golf great Jack Nicklaus pals around with Donald Trump? I mean, sure, the former U.S. president tells fibs (real whoppers), he paws and gropes women, he mocks men for their disabilities, he sends his stooges to storm the Capitol, odds are he’ll spend some time in an orange jump suit, he’s a grifter like we’ve never seen and is now peddling bibles to prove suckers are born every minute. He’s total cringe, a rancid human being. But, last time I checked, none of us, including the Golden Bear, requires permission to put on a red MAGA cap and act every bit the Trump toady. Nicklaus’ political leanings won’t change my life any. But, damn, it’s still kind of sad to see ol’ Jack playing the fool instead of playing golf.

If there’s a Jackass of the Year Award, UFC fighter Julian Eroso is the clubhouse leader, and I suspect he’ll still be at the head of the pack nine months from now. I mean, how else do we explain his wacko rant after beating Ricardo Ramos last Saturday, except to say he’s a jackass? If you missed it, for reasons known only to himself and the voices emanating from inside his tin foil-lined cap, Eroso thought his post-fight natter with news snoops was the proper time and place to challenge Lia Thomas to a fight in the octagon. Yes, that would be law student and former collegiate swimmer Lia Thomas, a transgender female. The way Eroso has it sorted out in his vacuous brain pan, he would make the transition to a woman while Thomas would skip a few law classes in order to hone her mixed martial arts skills. They would then get it on in the octagon, whereupon Eroso would kick “the dude’s ass.” Good grief. How many nights did Eroso lay awake coming up with that bit of dimwitted blather? But, then, Eroso also confirmed that he’s “not the smartest crayon in the box.” None among his audience disagreed.

But, wait. Closing fast on the inside as Jackass of the Year is Chris DiMarco, who has his fingers and toes crossed in the hope that Saudi-backed LIV Golf purchases Old Fogey Golf, which is to say the PGA Tour Champions. That way, he and the rest of golf’s 50-plus fossils can start making “real money,” rather than settle for the Monopoly money available to them on the geriatric tour. “We don’t really play for much money,” he moaned to the boys on something called the Subpar Podcast. “It’s kind of a joke.” Excuse me, but it’s not like the ol’ boys are playing for beads and trinkets. There’s $67 million available to them this year, including a $2.2 million purse at this weekend’s Galleri Classic. One of the fossils, a dude named Steve Alker, has pocketed $555,707. For three months of work. DiMarco pleading poverty is like Streisand begging for singing lessons.

For the record, DiMarco has cashed cheques totaling $22,656,443 as a PGA golfer, placing him 94th for all-time loot. Unless he has Homer Simpson for an accountant, $22-plus million should have been enough to make him nice and comfy as he greys at the temples. Golf should be a hobby by now. But, no, he’s still out there hacking away, and “hacking” is the operative word—he’s earned $36,591 this year. So it’s quite simple: If DiMarco wants more coin, shut the hell up and play better golf.

On the subject of coin, if you’re bored and want to prove there’s a sucker born every minute, you can make tracks for Arlington, Texas, where Mike Tyson and Jake Paul promise to throw punches at each other in a cash grab disguised as boxing on July 20. The sticker price to watch the con job at AT&T Stadium is anywhere from $359 to $16,097. I’m guessing Chris DiMarco can’t fit that into his budget.

And, finally, interesting post on X from Paul Samyn, editor at the Winnipeg Free Press: “HIRING ALERT: Come join a newspaper that wants to grow rather than gut the newsroom. Opportunities include the chance to work in our legislative bureau.” This is terrific news. Now, if only he’d recruit a female sports scribe and a sports columnist, then they’d be up to speed.